Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gorgeous Vintage Roses


O Rose, thou flower of flowers, thou fragrant wonder,
Who shall describe thee in thy ruddy prime;
Thy perfect fulness in the summer time;
When the pale leaves blushingly part asunder
And show the warm red heart lies glowing under?
Thou shouldst bloom surely in some sunny clime,
Untouched by blights and chilly Winter's rime,
Where lightninggs never flash, nor peals the thunder.
And yet in happier spheres they cannot need thee
So much as we do with our weight of woe;
Perhaps they would not tend, perhaps not need thee,
And thou wouldst lonely and neglected grow;
And He Who is All-Wise, He hath decreed thee
To gladden earth and cheer all hearts below.

Victorian Roses Free Clip Art Vintage


  1. I found your site this morning. How sweet! I combined your rose picture with your Charles Spurgeon quote and put it on my blog. I added your button as well. Thank you for such pretty things. I will be visiting often!

    1. How fun! Thank you for sharing! I am going to hop over and check out what you did :)

      Your truly, JES
