Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Red Roses

‘Look here! Lift up your head. I have something to show you!’ She slowly faced him, glowing with beautiful shame.

‘Do you know these roses?’ he said, drawing out his pocket-book, in which were treasured up some dead flowers. ‘No!’ she replied, with innocent curiosity. ‘Did I give them to you?’

‘No! Vanity; you did not. You may have worn sister roses very probably.’

She looked at them, wondering for a minute, then she smiled a little as she said–

‘They are from Helstone, are they not? I know the deep indentations round the leaves. Oh! have you been there? When were you there?’

‘I wanted to see the place where Margaret grew to what she is, even at the worst time of all, when I had no hope of ever calling her mine. I went there on my return from Havre.’

~ Excerpt from North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

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